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    We will deliver your parcel or return your money back
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    Feedback Mystery Box

    I'm still waiting for the delivery, but goods are really cool, I like the system of the site

    Tagir Farvazov 4 hours ago

    I recommend everyone to try it

    Gleb Tverdov 4 hours ago

    Nervously waiting for delivery

    Ramzily Safin 4 hours ago

    Knocked out my girlfriend headphones - she said it was the best gift ever! I recommend it to everyone!

    Vadim Kushkin 3 hours ago

    Wooooow I got an iPhone from a free box

    Nikita Trofimov 2 hours ago

    This site is worth the time allocated to it

    Vitaliy Makarov 2 hours ago

    Came quickly, recommend

    Danil Burzhov an hour ago

    Received the package, everything is safe and sound, and now I'm sitting with a new tablet. You are the best!

    Kolya Pisht an hour ago

    Thanks for the top promotions and discounts, I've been playing for a month now, I recommend it

    Vadim Isaev an hour ago

    I recommend it

    Artiom Oliglazov 31 minutes ago
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    How it works?

    №1. Which countries do we ship to?

    We deliver worldwide! We deliver to the post office nearest to you.

    №2. Can I sell unwanted item back to the website?

    Yes. Go to the “Purchase History” section and click the "Sell" button for the desired goods. The money will be refunded immediately to your balance on the website and you can continue to open the boxes.

    №3. How much does the delivery cost?

    Delivery costs about 2$. Delivery is paid when ordering a parcel from your balance on the site.

    №4. How many days should I wait for the delivery?

    We deliver parcels within 60 days.

    №5. How to track the parcel?

    After sending a parcel with your goods, a track code will appear in your personal account in the "My Parcels" section, by which you can track your parcel at any time. We recommend to track your package.

    №6. How do I know that the package has arrived?

    When the package arrives at your post office, you will receive an SMS notification on your mobile phone.

    №7. What are the guarantees that the package will arrive?

    We guarantee delivery of the parcel, or refund.

    №8. Do I have to pay for the item I won?

    No, you do not need to pay for the item you won. You pay only the cost of delivery (it is about 2$).

    №9. Where can I see my box winnings?

    You can view the winnings from the boxes in your personal account in the "Inventory" section. Here you can also sell goods or order delivery.


    It is, in a way, a real adventure in the world of gadgets and unexpected surprises. It all starts with a choice: the site offers a variety of mystery boxes, each with its own unique theme and range of gadgets that can go into it. You can choose a box based on your interests or budget. Once you pay, the magic begins: the system randomly selects one of the gadgets and you instantly see the result on the screen. This moment is filled with excitement and anticipation - it's like solving a mystery, only in digital format.


    You will find yourself in a magical universe where each box is a different story and a unique adventure. There are mystery boxes for every lover of technology and innovation, the most popular are:

    • Apple box - for lovers of high-end technology and top accessories.
    • Surprise box - it hides real treasures, ranging from exclusive techno-news to rare gadgets.
    • Phone box - for those who want to take a chance and pick up a brand new iPhone 15.
    • Gamer Box - filled with the latest gaming gadgets


    A step into the world of boxes begins with a few simple clicks:

    1. Visit our website and immerse yourself in a collection of mystery boxes, each promising a unique surprise.
    2. Choose the box that sounds like a challenge to your interests or fits your budget.
    3. Make your purchase in a convenient way and get ready for a moment of magic when you find out what amazing gadget is hidden in your box.

    It's not just a purchase, it's an entrance into a world of surprises and technological discoveries!


    Buying mystery box online combines fascination with the possibility of significant savings. You get the chance to get an expensive gadget at a price well below its market value, making every discovery as profitable as possible. It's not only instant gratification, but also a choice between getting your surprise or reselling it. In this way, mystery boxes turn the mundane shopping process into an exciting, profitable and full of surprises adventure.